Thursday, February 5, 2009

New baby bump photo!

So - this is the latest. I know I've had several requests for more bump pics - so here it is!
I'm loving being prego! I must have gotten really lucky, because I have had VERY little nausea. I've heard horror stories with morning sickness! This baby's been very good to me!
Sorry for the short post, more to come later!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Facebook Frenzy

Okay, I know - I've been very busy so I haven't blogged in a very long time, and I have a confession... I'm cheating on blogspot with facebook!! I can't help it - I'm addicted!! There's something about finding out how old friends/aquaintances in the past are doing. Even ones that you don't too much care to re-connect with - you still want to see their photos - who's with who, who looks amazing, who looks... not so amazing, who's moved away, how many kids - etc. What?! You can't tell me that I'm the only one that wants to know the dirt on everyone!! I know, it's aweful - I'm guilty. Are people really friends with 200-300 people, or do we accept the friend requeset or send the friend request just so we can see the dirt? Ok, Ok, I do know some people that just may have 200 or 300 friends because they truly are a friend to everyone, and everyone loves being around that person. One thing I AM TRULY THANKFUL FOR are my fabulous friends. I am so grateful to have those people in my life. So - to facebook, (my new love) meet blogspot. Threesome?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Long time...I know...

Oh how I miss blogging!! Things for a while there were so chaotic, now things seem to be a bit more calm. I've been out of the loop lately!! Actually, I have been checking the fam's blogs, just have been so friggin lazy to update my own.

I'm now 5 mos prego!! Can't believe how the time just zooms by! I have been feeling great lately, and things seem to be going as planned. I'll find out soon (this next apt) if it is a boy or a girl. Exciting stuff!!

I will continue to blog the updates as they happen...promise.

Gonna go do baby yoga now... :)

Love you all ~